Calc Pack Add On

Calc Pack is an add-on that provides more functionality for users of MyCalcs in Expert Mode.


The first new feature is that you are no longer confined to only using one calc in Expert Mode. You can now add 3 extra calcs meaning you can have a grand total of 4 calcs in any one system.

For your main calc you use CALCNAME in the zero line of your system. Now you can get 3 extra calcs by using CALC1NAME, CALC2NAME and/or CALC3NAME in the zero line.

Here’s an example on how to set it up with the main calc saved in a file maincalc and the extra 3 calcs saved in files named calc1, calc2 and calc3 (you an of course use any names you like):

0.CALCNAME=maincalc,CALC1NAME=calc1, CALC2NAME=calc2,CALC3NAME=calc3


Previously you had to set calc rank limits in the zero line but now you can do them in special system rule lines.

For example, you would have used (and still can use) this to pick the top calc:


Now you can do this is a special system rule line preceded by 4. As follows:


Note you still need the zero line to set the calc name.

The remaining variables for the extra calcs are CAL1R, CAL2R and CAL3R. If you have 4 calcs in use then you can set all four ranks in separate lines like this:



Similar to above we have new variable for calc values namely CALV, CAL1V,CAL2V and CAL3V.

Here is an example from the blog for picking poll points between 10 and 16 using CALCMIN and CALCMAX in the zero line:


This can now be done like this:



Now you can convert a calc into a set of rated prices but note that the top horses is expected to have the highest calc score. This is idea for converting points scores into rated prices.

The variables for this are CALP, CAL1P, CAL2P and CAL3P.

If for example you wanted to test for the calc price less than 4 you would use this:



New from mid 2024 are three new variables for Calc Pack users as follows:

GAPDIFF – the difference between the top MyCalc value and the second top
GAPDIFF2 – the difference between the second top MyCalc value and the third top
GAPDIFF3 – the difference between the third top MyCalc value and the fourth top

Because these variables are determined after all the normal MyCalc and selection variables they must be placed in the 4. post-processing line. For example, to select a gap of 2 or more between the top calc value horse and the next you would use this:


Note the above selects races with the above gap so if you also want to select the top horse you need to add this:


Note you can also use CALCRANKMAX=1 in the zero line.

The advantage of this is that you can select a number of gaps and do it with any value of your choosing. For example, your calc could be for rated prices, rated lengths, rated kilogram values or anything else you can think of.


Also new from mid 2024 in Calc Pack is the ability to use a special INCLUDE statement in your Expert Mode code to pull in code from a file. The main use of this is when you have certain lines of code that are repeated in multiple systems. For example, you might have code to pick certain races, meetings and/or days of the week code that you repeat in all or many of your systems.

The advantage of using the new INCLUDE feature is that you do not have to repeat the code in all your systems but there is an added advantage in that if you want to change the race or meetings being selected you only need change the code in one place not every system (this can also be handy for temporary changes where you might want to pull in a feature provincial meeting and treat it as a metrop).

Note that the INCLUDE files can contain any code you like, not just day, meeting or race rules but also normal horse rules. The only thing you cannot have in an INCLUDE file is the special zero lines that can be used at the beginning of your Expert Mode system (you can’t have INCLUDE statements either). Note also you can have multiple INCLUDE statements in your Expert Mode system rules and that each file can contain multiple lines of code.

The syntax for this new feature is as follows:


The above line goes in an Expert Mode system and effectively sees the line replaced by whatever is in the “includeraces” file. Note “includeraces” is just an example as any filenames can be used as long as they start with the letters “include”.